Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog's Day

Good thing Dan knew what day it was, we found the movie on TV at four and savored the holiday will Bill Murray. We own the film and forgot to pack it!
We had wind and showers through the night. Grey and moist this morning while I attended a Hatha Yoga Flow 1 at 10:15. Carole is a delightful teacher, tiny and full of laughter, she gave everyone lots of loving touches. We had a busy series of poses and even learned a few new ones. Krounchasana is heron Pose and very easy. I felt quite comfortable in this level of class. Relax Deeply is a good evening practice when combined with poetry and candlelight but morning sweat is also good.
Dan picked me up and I had an hour to paint.
Then off to the Dolphin for an ahi salad. Dan and I walked a few miles along Hanalei Bay. . .

Returning home we thought we'd head to a nearby resort for a swim before watching the Movie of the day. The pool was cold and the hot tub was not heated. Home again home again jiggety jig!
The rains continued but we love hearing the surf pound and palms rustle. Dan grilled a steak and we heated up the spaghetti from last night.
Once again our fridge is looking empty. Don't tell me the vacation is coming to a close. . .I still have two yoga classes and a snorkel date.

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